

Tailwind vs Inline CSS

Should we use Inline CSS instead of Tailwind? Isn’t tailwind just basically like writting inline css? 1 2 <!--- This requires bloat, configuration, and complexity just to keep your css "simple" ---> <span class="block">Elegant Block...

1479 Words

My Jekyll Boilerplate Gem

My Super AWESOME Jekyll Boilerplate Gem Ya know when you’re too lazy to duplicate a file to make a new jekyll post? Well, I made a gem to solve that problem!!! You know for the...

385 Words

Infinite (Local) Multiplayer In Godot?!

Infinite (local) Multiplayer In Godot?! Okay to explain why someone would EVER want infinite players… I have six siblings and finding games that all of us can play is hard. Also I have never been...

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My New Favorite Password Manager

So recerntly lastpass did something annoying enough that I actually bothered researching alternatives. This articale isn’t about lastpass tho. Nope! Instead is about the my new favorite password manager. Enpass...

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Vim/Neovim Fuzzy File Finder

In vscode when you hit Ctrl+p it opens a fuzzy finder that allows you to find and open files without needing the full path. Using vim as an ide this is...

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Tldr Man Pages w/ Pandoc

So I built a thing! I converted all the tldr pages into roff man pages with pandoc and created some releases of the generated pages on github. Like why? what...

250 Words

Bash Terminal for Newbie Game Developers

The command line can seem intimidating… But if you think of it as ‘The Ancient File Manager’. Then I think learning it becomes simpler. If your serious about making...

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Godot 3.3 Android Development Setup

Set up Godot 3.3 for making games on android. Open the relevant documentation Godot Docs on exporting for Android Godot Docs on one-click deploy Godot Docs on supporting multiple resolutions...

556 Words

Custom Ordered Color Palettes in Inkscape

Using the Inkscape Generate Palette plugin you can create custom sorted palettes: First install the extension – see README with options/instructions. Then restart Inkscape. Then arrange your colored objects...

152 Words

Infinite Backgrounds in Godot

The parallax nodes makes infinite backgrounds in godot really easy. Add these three nodes to your background scene: ParallaxBackground --┖╴ParallaxLayer ---- ┖╴Sprite Then add your background image to the sprite. On...

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